Dallas Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
Per vehicle mile traveled, the risk of a fatal motorcycle crash is 35 times greater than that of a passenger car. (NHTSA’s 2007). That’s a shocking statistic, but understandable given the relatively little protection a rider has in a collision with a car. Statistics for serious injuries to riders versus car occupants are similar.

When motorcycle accidents happen the rider’s injuries can easily be catastrophic. If you have been in a motorcyclist accident and you’re ready to bring the at-fault party to justice, consult with a Dallas motorcycle injury lawyer who can help you secure the compensation you deserve. The Law Offices of Charlie Waters can do just that.
Who Is At Fault For Your Damages?
It seems, more often than not, the person who hit you will be found liable for your damages. Why is that? Crashes with riders are typically due to car driver inattention and failure to keep a proper lookout. Though a rider has every right to be on the road, and the laws that protect car drivers protect riders equally, many drivers simply don’t look for the rider on the roadways, but certainly should. Sometimes, however, it’s not just the car operator who’s at fault. Road construction companies and even the Texas Dept. of Transportation can be at fault if the roadway itself caused the accident.
After completing a thorough investigation of the incident, your Dallas motorcycle accident lawyer will have a better idea who should be held accountable for your damages and will name all entities who contributed to your damages as defendants in your motorcycle accident claim.
Dealing with Insurance Companies After Your Motorcycle Accident
We doubt you’ll be surprised to know insurance companies are generally not willing to make it easy on you when it comes to paying your full damages. They tend to think, and are trained to think, there’s a bias against the rider when it comes to jury verdicts. So, they try to discount paying what they. An experienced motorcycle accident lawyer has seen this tactic before and knows how to deal with it.
Furthermore, if the insurance company happens to offer you a settlement you would be well-advised to review the offer with a good motorcycle accident attorney before you accept. If the offer was made in haste, it’s quite possible the insurance company realizes how much your case is actually worth and the offer they’ve made is far less than that. By allowing a motorcycle accident lawyer to deal with the insurance company, you’ll also be better able to focus on recovering from your injuries without having to worry about being taken advantage of.
Do I Still Have A Case If I Wasn’t Wearing A Helmet?
Yes, but not wearing a helmet can affect the value of your case, sometimes dramatically. First, it’s illegal to ride a motorcycle in Texas without a helmet if you’re under the age of twenty-one. If twenty-one or older, you can ride without a helmet. If the injury you sustained could have been lessened, however, or avoided altogether, a jury could find you were negligent by not wearing a helmet and reduce your award by a percentage of fault they would apply to you. If that fault were greater that 50%, you would get zero compensation under Texas law.
What If My Passenger is Responsible for My Injuries?
That’s a difficult situation to be in, but you’re still entitled to compensation despite the fact you likely have a close relationship with the passenger on your bike. Feel better knowing your motorcycle accident lawyer will handle your case with the utmost care so you can retain the relationship you have with your passenger to the best of your ability while your case remains unresolved.
Take Advantage of Your Complimentary Consultation
When you decide to pursue a civil claim against the at-fault party, reach out to a qualified Dallas motorcycle accident lawyer by calling The Law Offices of Charlie Waters at 214-742-2223 or by filling out the convenient Contact Form at the bottom of the page.